Category: Drumdarroch

Drumdarroch – Twister with the staff

Things might be difficult at the moment but we are still finding time for fun at Drumdarroch. Last week we had a staff game of Twister. Our residents were very much in control of things though, throwing the dice to have us bent over backwards!! We were battered and bruised but not broken!

Hello from Insch School to Drumdarroch Residents

Hello from Drumdarroch!
We are all well here in Drumdarroch Care Home.   It’s been a little quiet without visitors but we are all keeping busy.
We are missing our visits from the Insch School pupils but they have been very busing keeping in touch with us by drawing lovely pictures which we have put up on the walls throughout our home.
They are really making us smile and we will enjoy sending pictures back to them.

Chinese New Year at Drumdarroch

On the 24th of January we celebrated the Chinese New Year at Drumdarroch.   We decorated our home with lanterns and had Chinese food as an option on our menu.   We were also very lucky to be able to borrow a Chinese Dragon costume!    He was HUGE and needed 7 people to operate him!   He danced around the dining room at lunchtime then in the afternoon our visiting school pupils took him for a walk around the home.  We named him KEITH!!!!

Christmas at Drumdarroch

Christmas preparation started in November at Drumdarroch. We made Christmas cards, decorations and biscuits with our local school pupils.

The Nursery children came and sang Christmas songs with us.   Our resident retired Postman spent many mornings delivering Christmas cards to the other residents.   We attended a Christmas Tea Dance at our local Kirk Hall and had a visit from Santa who travelled to us in a fire engine!   At our Christmas party on the 19th of December we were beautifully entertained by one of our regular visiting singers, Mr Bill Black, and the Christmas Fairy herself even put in an appearance!!


Halloween at Drumdarroch

Halloween has arrived at Drumdarroch this week as we decorate with ghosts and ghouls.     We also made material pumpkins for displaying at our door.    A fun filled Halloween with games, music, fancy dress and some spooky meals is planned!!

Drumdarroch Knitting Circle

Drumdarroch Knitting Group recently went on a trip to deliver some very precious gifts.   Over the last few months we have been knitting clothes for the Neo Natal Baby Unit at Aberdeen Maternity Hospital.   We made a blanket, hats, mittens, booties and cardigans. The staff at the unit were very friendly and welcoming.   After making our delivery we drove along the beach and parked by the harbour to have a picnic lunch. The weather was great. We saw some huge boats and had a laugh as we ate our sandwiches.   It was an excellent day out!!

Drumdarroch Tea Dance

In May 8 Drumdarroch residents and 3 members of staff attended a Tea Dance at the Church Hall in Insch.   It was quite busy when we arrived but we were made to feel very welcome joining in with the dancing (some had the “MOVES”, others of us did not!).    As you can see from the pictures we all had a great time and can’t wait for the next one!!


Gardening in Drumdarroch

One resident in Drumdarroch now regularly tends to our garden happily and independently, often having to be asked to come inside at mealtimes.

Gardening in Drumdarroch