Month: June 2024

Gratitude Tree

We are very fortunate to have the local children coming from the Primary school to various activities with us. Here is a picture of when we did a Spring blossom gratitude tree. We wrote on each ‘leaf’ something that we are grateful for. This ranged from ‘my cat’ to ‘my family’ to ‘living at Meigle Country House’. It is wonderful that there is so much to be thankful for.

Time for a cuppa

We were delighted to host the Dementia UK ‘Time for a cuppa’ fundraiser recently. Thank you to all who attended and gave generously to make the event so special. We enjoyed a lovely afternoon tea with delicious home baking.

So happy we have to dance!

We love a song and a dance at Meigle! There are some songs that you can’t help but sign along to and get up and dance… Here’s one of our favourites ‘Love is in the air’.

Squirrels at Meigle

We were delighted to have the Squirrels from the 61st Glamis Scout Group to visit us recently. We had a lovely chat with them and they sung us a song. We can’t wait to welcome them back later this year!

Pilates and Tennis at St Columbas

Our clients (and relatives) had a taster session for tennis from Rise and pilates from JM Pilates which everyone seemed to enjoy.

We will look into booking further sessions in the next few months.

Employee of the Month

Lorraine is our Employee of the Month for May. She was nominated by relatives for going the extra mile to support them at a time when they needed some help.