Situated amidst Perthshire’s rolling and tranquil countryside a short drive from Dundee.
The home was completely renovated in 2003 allowing us to blend modern facilities with traditional country style and comfort and the benefits from a range of up-to-date nursing equipment. Its scenic location is of positive benefit to the 23 clients it caters for currently.
It is extremely popular with residents and their families, offering first class accommodation and facilities in common with our other care homes and there is a well used short break and respite care facility available which gives family carers the opportunity for a welcome rest.
Clients are offered a wide range of excellent facilities and services, including entertainment, local excursions and fund raising events at the home which are held throughout the year for clients and families and the local community.
The home baking is always a welcome treat for clients who say “It’s so good, you just have to taste it”. Experienced catering staff provide varied seasonal menus which are assessed for nutritional value and dieticians are consulted whenever specialist dietary requirements arise.
Features of Meigle Country House
Hair Salon
Home Baking
Varied Activities
Landscaped Gardens
Sun Room
Scenic View
Respite Stays
Virtual Tour
Photo Gallery
Additional Details
Contact Details

Manager – Nic Chandler
Meigle Country House
Dundee Road
Meigle, PH12 8SE
t. 01828 640859
f. 01828 640836
e. [email protected]
Care Inspectorate Report
How well do we support people’s wellbeing?
How good is our setting?
How good is our staffing?
How good is our leadership?
How well is our care and support planned?
How good is our care and support during the Covid19 Pandemic
What the scores mean:
6 = Excellent
5 = Very Good
4 = Good
3 = Adequate
2 = Weak
1 = Unsatisfactory
* = yet to be evaluated
Meet the Team

Care Assistant – Katy O’Brien
“I have been working in Meigle Country House for over 4 years. I love my job. I have grown as a carer here and we are like one big family.”