Dear Family & Friends,
The health and wellbeing of our clients is our main concern at Priority Care. Due to the current situation relating to Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the daily updates to the government guidelines, we have taken the decision to suspend all non-essential visits to the care home for the next 30 days, at which time we will review the situation and remove the suspension or extend as necessary.
We fully recognise that some clients are in a palliative / end of life stage or may enter this. In these circumstances we accept that family / friends should be able to be with their loved one. If you feel this describes your situation please contact the home manager to discuss.
We have not taken this decision lightly as we completely understand your needs and wishes to visit your family member or friend. We feel this is a necessary step to take. Please allow us to reassure you that all essential services, including medical professional visits, will continue as normal. Our staff will do everything in their power to ensure that home life continues as normally as possible.
To allow you to maintain contact with your relative or friend, each of our homes will be provided with additional devices to enable regular skype video calls. We will be in touch as soon as possible with the information you will need to allow you to do this. We will also be creating a password protected area on this, our company website where we will publish further updates as they become available regarding the suspension of non-essential visits and coronavirus.
We are continuing our normal infection control procedures and have put in place robust measures to minimise the risk of cross infection between our care homes. Our care teams within each of our homes monitor clients closely and continuously and will be in daily contact with the operations team members at head office. We are also closely monitoring the health of our care home staff teams.
We greatly appreciate your patience, understanding and support during this difficult time for all. We will continue to keep you informed of any updates. In the meantime, if you have any questions or concerns please contact the Home Manager by phone or email. If you do not have these details please refer to ‘Our Homes’ page detailing contact information for each home.